Is your approach to delivering continuing education for insurance professionals getting you tangible returns? Let’s explore a common challenge faced by continuing education providers including those offering state-approved live insurance training courses online for CE credit.
In the Insurance sector, organizations and independent professionals use continuing education to keep agents, brokers, and other licensees informed about the law, regulations, compliance requirements, plan design, and so on. The continuing education can take the form of in-person or virtual industry events where subject matter experts such as attorneys, underwriters, executives, or consultants frequently play the role of instructors identifying top-of-mind topics and sharing their professional experience.
Live CEs can offer licensees the opportunity to interact with you. However, without reinforcement (For example, through an assessment), it can be a challenge for attendees to recall and re-apply what they learned on the job. Your knowledge once shared is lost and not in a reusable format that can be monetized. Many providers have also learned that relying on instructors or subject matter experts to organize events, operate conferencing tools, or manage state-mandated compliance requirements for licensee continuing education diverts from their core focus. Whether you are an independent insurance expert or belong to a sales, marketing, services, or legal department within a larger organization, you know that a dedicated internal team to administer insurance CEs and support licensees is costly.
To address this challenge, consider monetizing knowledge with on-demand learning. Engage a CE services partner who repurposes content into a state-approved, fee-based non-contact courses delivered multiple times on an online CE platform. Reduce cost by offloading revenue collection and CE credit processing.
Executing non-contact CEs in this manner enables you to focus on creating content, grow brand visibility and expand thought leadership beyond your current audience in a cost-effective way.